This was one of the first, if not the first picture taken of Zeke. He was so peaceful right after he was born. He didn't even cry. He just kind of let out a few moans. It was pretty funny. I think he was in a bit of shock. Being born is pretty traumatic!
This picture was taken when we first got to the hospital. I wasn't feeling too bad yet. Hence the smile on my face.
It was on Christmas day at about 4 pm that I had just smeared my dad in a game of phase 10. I sat down on the couch and suddenly felt a rush of liquid in my pants and was a little alarmed. Did I just pee my pants? No, my water broke. So I called the doctor and was told to go to the hospital. Baby Zeke arrived a grueling 14 hours later.
I was pretty undecided when I went in about whether or not to get an epidural. My sisters both got sick with an epidural and I really didn't want to be barfing while trying to give birth. I stuck it out for about 7 hours after my water broke, and then decided I would rather be puking than to feel such extraordinary pain. They gave me just enough to take the edge off, so I wasn't puking too much. But it still hurt like hell. I can't imagine what it would've felt like without the epidural.
The reason Zeke had such a cone head was because when it came time for me to push, he was coming down the birth canal face-up. It's much easier to push them out when their face-down like they're supposed to be. The doc thought he would have to turn the baby with his hands or with forceps, but little Zeke turned himself around in the end. He's pretty great and we sure love him!