Just one more week to go til the due date! Hopefully he decides to come on time. That would be nice. Especially since my parents are going to be in town, and my dad has to go back to work on January 8th. The doctor says if he doesn't come before the 5th, then he'll start me.
What's better than being 9 months pregnant? Being 9 months pregnant and sick! I have this nasty cold with a gut wrenching cough. It's great. I really hope the cough goes away before I go into labor.
We've got everything ready for his arrival (I hope).
My mom and dad gave us this super cute blanket with this bassinet. My parents have actually had this bassinet since I was a baby. My mom made the covering for the bassinet. Very cute.
I crocheted these snowflakes. Some to hang in the window, and some for the tree. They weren't really hard to make, just super time consuming. But I've had a lot of time on my hands lately.
Also made the little gingerbread men for the tree and some chocolates. I made chocolates last year and they were so good I think I'll be doing it every year. Way better than anything you buy. They don't look as good though.
We bought a new car! It's a 2006 Honda Element. We made it almost 4 years with just one car. We were hoping to go a little longer, but Jason is now working at a practice about 25 minutes away and he didn't want to leave me without a car at home with the baby coming and everything. It's a great car.
You look ready any time. I am so glad your parents are there! I love your snow flakes! I made paper snow flakes for my little tree this year. Maybe I will try to crochet them next year. Call us when you have the baby.